

Ricky's Tumblr -- Part of the Problem - Tumblr

I think it needs a new classification. “Blog” is misleading and doesn’t describe the experience of using it. Maybe something like “sharing community” or “facebook but with stuff.”


A VC: Social Bloggingより。


There's an emerging category in the middle that takes from both blogging and social networking and we at Union Square Ventures are heavily invested in it with our investments in Twitter and Tumblr. I'll call it social blogging but I'd sure love a better name for it.

social bloggingという表現はmicrobloggingとかと比べると、共感が持てる。twiterはbloggingというかんじは薄いけど、tumblrはsocial bloggingな感じがする。誰かが書いたものをまた自分が書いている。

I am sure there are a lot of people reading this who think "how is this different than blogging?" I'd like to suggest that everyone try this

1. go to tumblr
2. enter your email address, a password, and a URL at tumblr (don't worry about that too much)
3. click on the icon in the upper right with the head/shoulders and a plus sign
4. add the following URLs:

* http://fredwilson.vc/
* http://nevver.tumblr.com/
* http://joelaz.com/
* http://soxiam.com/
* http://didyouevernotice.tumblr.com/
* http://bijansabet.com/

1. then click on "dashboard" on the top of the page (i know this should be #5)

If you do these five steps, the whole thing should take less than a couple minutes, you'll get to see what a tumblr dashboard experience is like. I realize it should be easier than that and I am sure that it will be soon. You don't have to be a blogger to see how awesome tumblr is. And as you read through the dashboard, look for the reblog icon. It looks like this


Click on that when you see a post you like and slowly but surely you can create a tumblog of your very own without ever posting anything directly to tumblr.


てきとう和訳。I realize it should be easier than that and I am sure that it will be soon.のところわかんなかった。

tumblrに行って登録してこのリストにあるひとをadd friendしてdashboardを見るの。
