fx3.0b2+OSX10.4 XPCOM returns NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED in non main thread?

I have created a C++ implemented XPCOM object and call it from non UI thread which is created with nsIThreadManager#newThread in javascript. but the XPCOM object caught an error NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED when executing following code.

 nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService =
        do_GetService("@mozilla.org/observer-service;1", &rv);

cross thread XPCOM object error accessing DOM in FireFox 3 - netscape.public.mozilla.xpcom | Google グループ
seems to be similar problem.

FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/{1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30}/components/crashrecovery.js - Google Code Search