

  bookmarkPage: function PCH_bookmarkPage(aBrowser, aParent, aShowEditUI) {
    var uri = aBrowser.currentURI;
    var itemId = PlacesUtils.getMostRecentBookmarkForURI(uri);
    if (itemId == -1) {
      // Copied over from addBookmarkForBrowser:
      // Bug 52536: We obtain the URL and title from the nsIWebNavigation
      // associated with a <browser/> rather than from a DOMWindow.
      // This is because when a full page plugin is loaded, there is
      // no DOMWindow (?) but information about the loaded document
      // may still be obtained from the webNavigation.
      var webNav = aBrowser.webNavigation;
      var url = webNav.currentURI;
      var title;
      var description;
      var charset;
      try {
        title = webNav.document.title || url.spec;
        description = PlacesUIUtils.getDescriptionFromDocument(webNav.document);
        charset = webNav.document.characterSet;

description = PlacesUIUtils.getDescriptionFromDocument(webNav.document);

meta descriptionなのか。それで入ってたり入ってなかったりするわけね。


   * Get the description associated with a document, as specified in a <META>
   * element.
   * @param   doc
   *          A DOM Document to get a description for
   * @returns A description string if a META element was discovered with a
   *          "description" or "httpequiv" attribute, empty string otherwise.
  getDescriptionFromDocument: function PU_getDescriptionFromDocument(doc) {
    var metaElements = doc.getElementsByTagName("META");
    for (var i = 0; i < metaElements.length; ++i) {
      if (metaElements[i].name.toLowerCase() == "description" ||
          metaElements[i].httpEquiv.toLowerCase() == "description") {
        return metaElements[i].content;
    return "";
