


// Clientelle: (Make sure you don't break any of these)
//  - File    ->  Save Page/Frame As...
//  - Context ->  Save Page/Frame As...
//  - Context ->  Save Link As...
//  - Shift-Click Save Link As
// Try saving each of these types:
// - A complete webpage using File->Save Page As, and Context->Save Page As
// - A webpage as HTML only using the above methods
// - A webpage as Text only using the above methods
// - An image with an extension (e.g. .jpg) in its file name, using
//   Context->Save Image As...
// - An image without an extension (e.g. a banner ad on using
//   the above method.
// - A linked document using Save Link As...
// - A linked document using shift-click Save Link As...
function saveURL(aURL, aFileName, aFilePickerTitleKey, aShouldBypassCache,
  internalSave(aURL, null, aFileName, null, null, aShouldBypassCache,
               aFilePickerTitleKey, null, aReferrer);